Discover the magical world of Barbie Dreamtopia where princesses, fairies, mermaids, unicorns and other fantastic characters inspire imaginations to soar!
Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea follow their older sister’s lead in pursuing their dreams. Dolls and playsets let kids help them reach their goals -- together!
With Barbie pet toys, animal lovers will find lots of adorable pets to adopt -- puppies, kittens, bunnies, horses and more -- and fun elements to provide care!
Barbie has explored more than 200 professions! With authentic details to inspire role-play and dreams, Barbie career dolls and toys let kids explore, too.
Barbie playsets let kids build and design a world with dollhouses, vehicles, transforming sets and so many stylish furnishings and accessories.
Each Barbie Fashionistas doll is unique with a different body type, hair color and style, skin tone and eye color. And each wears a look that captures her personal style and today’s hottest fashion trends!
Barbie dolls and playsets help kids dream up adventure, discover new passions and design their world because when a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become!