Hipp Anti-reflux milk Combiotic from birth - 800g
Hipp Organic Comfort Milk from Birth 800gm
Good product
My daughters both loved this milk, great follow on milk and great for bight feeds as it's ready to drink straight from the bottle once poured in to babys bottle.
Exclusively breast fed baby loves this milk
As title says, I wanted to research and find the best milk to give my exclusively breast fed baby. He has a sensitive tummy and Cow&Gate didn’t seem to agree with him. He absolutely loved it and drunk over half in one go. And from a bottle which he hasn’t had in 4+ months!
My Baby loves their food!
Will repurchase every month. Daughter loves it. Great value also
Frequently Asked Questions
We follow the guidelines set out by the Department of Health, which advise that each feed should be made up fresh and then immediately fed to the baby within 2 hours of preparation. Storing prepared formula feeds in the fridge may result in bacteria growth, and we therefore cannot recommend this.
It is not recommended to reheat formula milk. Each feed should be made fresh and used immediately. Any formula milk left over after a feed should be discarded.
Once a bottle of formula powder has been made up, it can be kept at room temperature for up to 2 hours. Any unused feed in that bottle after this time should be discarded.
No. We have not tested our formula milks at these temperatures and cannot, therefore, guarantee their safety once frozen. Some of the heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamins and fatty compounds, may suffer from these extreme temperature variations and in addition, the powder texture and efficacy of the finished milk bottle might change.
It’s up to you whether you prefer to spoon-feed your baby or let them feed themselves – or do a bit of both! One thing that is really important is to make sure they’re sitting comfortably and securely in an upright position. Weaning should be an enjoyable experience for your baby, so try to relax and enjoy the journey. In the early stages, it’s really more about getting them used to different flavours and the concept of eating solid foods, rather than actually filling them up. Lunchtime is usually a good meal to start off with. Let them experiment and play, and remember to give them lots of praise and encouragement. Don’t try to make them eat if they’re not into it. You can always try again later.